I’ve reviewed the language in the PBS estimate, and would like a few more clarifications and answers to questions.
- I’ve been trying to duplicate the numbers for panel square footage (wall, roof, floor) and can’t seem to get within 20% of the numbers. Does Premier use actual panel size or a fixed panel size (4 x 8, 4 x 12, 4 x 16, etc.) and charge for bulk materials? Will the PBS estimate change markedly after the shop drawings are completed?
- There is no mention of electrical chases in the PBS estimate. Are the custom chases in the roof and some wall panels included in the PBS estimate?
- I see there is a line item for a spray foam gun and cans. Who is the manufacturer of these products? This project is an attempt at a LEED qualified addition, even though LEED-H is not currently viable for remodeling. I know the mastic is a premier product, but how about the spray foam?
- It was not evident in the plans, but I should have requested the roof panels plumb cut at the eaves. According to the estimate, roof panels at the ridge are square cut with a ridge cap at 5:12 pitch. Does this then require a field modification to get the one side 5:12 pitch roof to match the 4:12 pitch other side?
I look forward to your answers and suggestions.