Shoulder Injury Delays Project

Venerable Mac software developer Dantz, coined the phrase, “To go forward, you must back up,” referring to software that would automatically duplicate and restore computer data. My online documentation of my SIP house has been lousy, and only the very fortuneate who have visited the jobsite has seen the progress. Over the next couple of weeks I plan to revisit the past, and restore the missing posts over the years. Most of this project is found on private SMS micro blog feeds, to give me the timeline to restore the missing information.

On 22 June 2012, my two year LA building permit expired! Usually that means paying the City an additional fee. This time I have the City on my side, and they like the progress I’ve made, and want to see me finish the house, so far without additional cost. In anxiousness to continue to build, I drove myself a little too hard.

I am in the process of building the second floor of the addition, and had to move and prepare the wall panels. After repositioning 22 panels, I damaged my shoulder muscles.

Foolishly I thought I could work through the pain, and was able to groove out the foam, cut the posts that fit into the side of the panels, and prepare the bottom plate, until I could not lift my arm to my mouth. After one week of extreme pain, and two of sling rest, I’m getting a little more movement back in the hand and shoulder. I still cannot lift my arm over my head, but am mostly pain free and will try next week to start hammering and assembly of the wall components.

Shoulder pain is not to ignored, especially when you need your arms to build a house.